The Goddard Method of Ballroom and Latin dancing

Dancing is fun. Let’s enjoy it together.

This website will give you the information you need regardless of whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced dancer.

I have written guides that break down dances into bite-size chunks to help you better understand what you are doing when taking lessons, or perhaps learning new moves with a partner.

When attending dances and dance classes, I have noticed that people have the same issues, regardless of how long they have been dancing:

 Too much focus on ‘what’ to do, not enough on ‘when’ and ‘how’.

My guides will show you ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘when’; plus the key principles you need to know to make techniques work.

My aim is to give you advice, encouragement and guidance on how to do everything; from taking your first steps on the dance floor, to improving your technique – even after years of practice.

You’ll find information on:

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Dance pic2

Available on Kindle, all the information and more on this website: Free Book Sample

I have written a book on how to better understand and practice judo: Goddard Method Of Judo. Published on Kindle. Why list here? Want to improve your dancing? Try judo! Same principles of movement, different application.

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